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Help Us Plan for CarpentryCon 2020

The CarpentryCon Task Force met on 25 September to answer questions from community members interested in planning CarpentryCon 2020. It was great to welcome community members from the UK, New Zealand, and South Africa to the call. We hope those people will be joining the Task Force. While most of the current Task Force members will continue serving as well, we would still like to see more members joining the Task Force.

So, we invite YOU to join us!

If you have ideas for speakers, workshops, talks, or sessions that you would like to see at the next CarpentryCon, and you share our enthusiasm and interest in making the next CarpentryCon happen, you will be a great addition to our Task Force.

It is also a great development opportunity for you to learn more about event planning and management.

We have a fantastic debriefing document that covers all the areas of planning of the last CarpentryCon, such as budget, sponsors, venue, catering, technical aspects, accessibility (you name it!), which will work as a template for the next event. You can find out more about the Task Force or follow some of the links from the Task Force’s meeting etherpad.

What will it entail?

The Task Force meets monthly for an hour via zoom. There is an email list that gets more active as the event draws closer. Task Force members choose to take on certain responsibilities, e.g. for creating the website, getting publicity out, building the program, emailing speakers, organising social activities, and so on. You will be able to choose what you take on. However, we are looking for a commitment - you do not have to pledge hours and hours of your time, but we would like to find people who will be part of, and contribute to, the work of the Task Force at least until the event takes place.

Join us

So please come on board! You will be working with a great team, and helping to build an event of real value to our community.

We have created a form for people to nominate either as a Task Force member, or as a volunteer / helper at the event itself. You can also request a one-on-one call with a Task Force member if you need more information before you commit yourself.

CarpentryCon 2018 Attendees

CarpentryCon2018 @ Dublin

Image CC BY-SA by Bérénice Batut.

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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