Home> Blog> Join Us for CarpentryCon @ Home: 14 July - 31 August

Join Us for CarpentryCon @ Home: 14 July - 31 August

When we had to cancel the in-person CarpentryCon this summer, the organisers wanted to still provide the Carpentries community with a chance to meet other community members and learn from each other. CarpentryCon @ Home is a chance to experience some of the same in-person CarpentryCon content, but from the comfort of your home! In order to accommodate full schedules, we have scheduled a variety of sessions spread out over the next seven weeks - covering topics from lesson development, teaching/meeting online, diversity and inclusion, and more! A big thank you to Alfred P. Sloan foundation for making CarpentryCon @ Home possible.

Here’s how you can experience CarpentryCon @ Home:

Choose sessions

Check out the schedule and pick the sessions that you would like to attend or (if recorded) watch afterward. You can see upcoming sessions on the Carpentries calendar, in the #calendar slack channel, and by adding to your own calendar.

We especially encourage you to “save the date” for our three featured presentations:


Fill out the registration form so that we know who is joining us and estimate how many people are planning to attend any given session. After registering, we encourage you to go to the main CarpentryCon @ Home etherpad and indicate your interest on the etherpad(s) for your chosen sessions.

Connect to your community

Are you connected to a local or regional community of Carpentries instructors? Send an email around and see if anyone is interested in joining a particular session with you. If members of your local community attend different sessions, consider planning a discussion to debrief and share what you learned.

Stay in the loop

Do not miss out! Join the #carpentrycon slack channel in the Carpentries slack organisation for discussion, and follow the #calendar channel for updates about events. If you are on the discuss list, there will be regular updates on the week’s programming sent to that list.

You can also always go to the CarpentryCon website or our “parent” etherpad to see what’s happening:


We invite volunteers to serve as regional hosts who will be the main host or co-host/Code of Conduct (CoC) facilitators in each session. The regional hosts will be the point of contact for session leads and be present at one or two sessions as the main host to support the presenter(s) by managing Zoom and other meeting logistics. The co-host/CoC facilitators will be available as a CoC contact for the session participants and will support the regional host if needed. You can sign up here.

The task force will reach out with orientation details, but a summary of what is involved is available in this guide: Regional Host, Co-host/CoC Facilitators and Speakers Guide

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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