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Carpentries Gratitudes: 2022 and beyond

In 2019, the community initiated The Carpentries Gratitudes project as an opportunity to share an appreciation for each other and all that we have been able to accomplish together. We have carried on this tradition each December through blog posts, social media posts and recorded messages of thanks. Although the end of the year is a great time to reflect and show appreciation, we want to provide ongoing opportunities for members of our community to share their appreciation throughout the year. Therefore, starting in December 2022, we will have multiple channels available for you to say thanks.

How to Share Your Gratitudes

  1. Post your appreciation to our new Slack channel, #gratitudes. We have also added a new :carpentriesgratitudes: emoji to Slack. If you use this emoji in any channel (except for private channels), the post will automatically add to #gratitudes so they can be easily captured in one place.

  2. Add your appreciation to the Carpentries Gratitudes issue in our Conversations repository. This was opened last year and will continue to be a place to share your community appreciations.

  3. Use #CarpentriesGratitudes and the image of our gratitude emoji in relevant social media posts and encourage others to do the same.

  4. Send an email to community@carpentries.org, so we can share your gratitude across relevant channels.

  5. Too much to say in a short blurb? Write a blog post to share your appreciation, which will become part of our collection of blog posts with the Gratitudes tag.

When to Share Your Gratitudes

Anytime! These features and tools will be open and available for the community to use throughout the year, and we will continue to pull gratitudes from these channels to further amplify your accomplishments through a new “Gratitude of the Week” segment of our newsletter.

Ask yourself: Has someone stepped up to help out with a workshop you were leading? Helped you with a block of code you were working on? Showed you how to use a new feature in GitHub? Lifted your spirits on a day when you really needed it? We invite you to join in Carpentries Gratitudes as we demonstrate how we “Value All Contributions” by sharing your thanks and appreciation.

Messages of Thanks from the Core Team

To get us started, the Core Team would like to extend its deepest gratitude for all the contributions each of you has made this year to advance our shared mission and core values around the world. Throughout December, you will see posts from each of us responding to the question: “What does The Carpentries community mean to you?” We hope to show our appreciation in some small way for all that you have done and continue to do to make this community what we strive to always be - open, empowering, inclusive, and accessible. We are excited to see what we can accomplish together in 2023!

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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